Top Reasons to Choose Defense
Data Recovery as Your Data
Recovery Provider
You own a device that have been hacked or you purchase electronics from a dishonest buyer (Buy-Sell Retention, location intermediary services).
Complete Defense Date Recovery Data Recovery We Pick Up or Drop of iService@tekctek.com Form text or call us at 212.689.2250.
mcsi security, defense data recovery, metro commute security international, private investigation services - Google+ Intermediary Electronic Device (IED) Recovery services. We extract metadata and track dishonest culprits.
Ship your drive to Defense Data Recovery for a free evaluation.
You will receive a call when your drive has arrived at our facility.
Defense Data Recovery will evaluate your drive for free and give you a firm price quote. If you approve the quote we will begin the recovery process.
Upon successful recovery, you will receive a listing of the recovered files.
Review the file list and ensure the files you need are listed.
Choose how you'd like your data returned.
Review your recovered data and call us with any questions at 212.689.2250.